Design Principles - MBA Shots

Our Motivations and approach for MBA Shots

Our goal is to help build a broad range of management skills. In a non-distracting way. Build learning as a habit.

T Shaped MANAGEMENT Skills

Three Key Pillars of our our platform
  • Learning. When do we truly acquire knowledge?
  • Habit. How do we make learning a habit?
  • Together. How to build a community around this?

You learn when you can easily explain a concept

While, we are still at the early stages where things are evolving, we have articulated a few design principles which are guiding us at MBA Shots.

  • Minimize Distractions. Don't add to the congnitive load of our members.
  • Bite Sized. Baby steps. Every one can learn with us.
  • Practical. Enough of the theory and 2x2s.
  • Build a habit. Learning is a super-powerful habit.
  • Think, not just read. Reading -> Thinking-> Internalization-> Learning
  • Share. If you can't explain it, you ain't got it.
  • Go Deeper. How does X work in Y when Z happens.
  • CheatSheets. Note-taking is an art.