Join us in building a Learning Community


Our Design Principles

While, we are still at the early stages where things are evolving, we have articulated a few design principles which are guiding us at MBA Shots.

  • Minimize Distractions. Don't add to the congnitive load of our members.
  • Bite Sized. Baby steps. Every one can learn with us.
  • Practical. Enough of the theory and 2x2s.
  • Build a habit. Learning is a super-powerful habit.
  • Think, not just read. Reading -> Thinking-> Internalization-> Learning
  • Share. If you can't explain it, you ain't got it.
  • Go Deeper. How does X work in Y when Z happens.
  • CheatSheets. Note-taking is an art.

Our Story:

Three things came together for us, before the idea of MBA Shots was born.

1. Learning Habit. Two of our co-founders would get on a daily 45 mins brainstorming session to practice Product Management concepts. Why? Because one of them was interviewing with the GAFA for Product Leadership roles. These 6-8 weeks of daily sessions, brought about a siginficant and accelerated understanding of Product management concepts.
Lesson: Repetition and regularity assist in fast learning

2. Focus on learning. Social networks and platforms are focused on engagement and not necessarily learning.
We wanted to create something where the primary focus was on learning and the individual and collective impact it can have.

3. Discovery and relevancy. Theory vs practical gyaan - There is so much knowledge and content out there, that one may feel intimidated by what to read/consumer and in which sequence. Also, many of the concepts sound powerful, but as readers we don't really comprehend how they can be applied in business. What if, we had industry leaders, share stories of their success and failures. We all know that stories can convey key messages so much more powerfully.

Join us as an Industry Leader

FAQs for Leaders:

How do I participate as an Industry Leader
As an Industry Leader on MBA Shots, you would help our members by sharing your deep insights, past experiences, failures in short 15 or 30 mins videos. 1 or 2 videos a month. Typically these videos will have very little theory, and would be highly relevant to the topic.

How do I choose topics for these videos
We will be sharing a couple of themes for each month. And within those themes, also a list of possible deep-dive topics. The monthly theme allows us to go deeper into a concept or two within a 30 days period. It also helps us connect the dots as we hear varied views around the same topic. E.g. maybe for a specific month, the topics are 1) Pricing and 2) Product Launches.
Within these we may have subtopics like - How many Pricing teirs are optimal? How to price when you are a late entrant? 5 things to be mindful for during launching your product? How to re(launch) your product?.

What do I get for contributing my time here
We have pondered over this, and want to ensure that we do right by our Knowledge Leaders. We believe that many of our leaders will contribute on the platform, for the joy of giving. For the impact a 15 mins video can have on a young professional's journey.
Over time, as we grow in scale, we will provide you a keen audience. At Scale. And inisghts on what the audience is keen to hear from you. We anticipate this to be a really enriching experience for you.
Once we pass our market-validation phase, we also plan to invite our regular contributors to own a small stake in the business.

Join us as an Industry Leader

Our Industry Leaders

Sanjay Bisht

Sanjay Bisht

Google - Product Management, Ex - ESPN
Product Management

Amit Sachdev

Amit Sachdev

CEO - Mynd Financial Services, Ex - CEO, CoFounder CoinTribe,BCG
SME Lending, Fintech

Mukesh Bubna

Mukesh Bubna

Founder at Monexo FinTech (P2P lending), Ex - Citibank
Banking, Finance, Lending

Murali Nair

Murali Nair

Zeta - President Banking (S Asia), Ex- Visa, MasterCard, Citibank
Payments, Fintech

Sundar Nathan

Sundar Nathan

Founder - Sales Quarterbacks
Sales, Leadership, Coaching

Srikanth SK

Srikanth SK

Building brands and businesses that combine the power of digital, design and communication
Marketing, Digital, Branding

And many more leaders across sectors...     Join Now