Start With Why Summary

Book: Start With Why
Author: Simon Sinek
<p>&quot;People don't buy what you do; they buy why you do it. And what you do simply proves what you believe.&quot; – Simon Sinek</p><p>All companies in the world know what they do, which is why it's the first thing they inform the people about. But rationale can be mostly inadequate. That must be because emotions or sentiments overrule reason almost every time.</p><p>Only when we know why we do the things we do, do we have a sense of belonging. That's why it's a more compelling way of getting people to make decisions.</p><p>Exceptional leaders and organizations take this route. They start all communication with why they do things, followed by how they do it. And in the end, they reveal what it is they actually do.</p><p>If you want to inspire, start by communicating why you do, instead of what you do, and you'll see a massive transformation in engagement.</p>






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